About me

Szymon Kowaliński

I’ve been programming for about 8 years now, with a focus on the Flutter framework for the past 5 years.

I develop diverse applications and websites. My preferred technologies are Flutter, Dart and Django, Python, but I’m not confined to them exclusively.

I’m currently an Applied Computer Science student at Wrocław’s University of Science and Technology..

KN Solvro

I occasionally freelance with Flutter, and I’m a Vice President of KN Solvro - a student IT scientific association that works like Software House and develops interesting projects, as a collaboration of different departments. I serve there as Flutter Techlead and Mobile Department Leader, where I perform code reviews for my other teammates. I’m also an author of the latest recruitment task for mobile department recruitment (spring 2024).


You must check out some of my projects at: https://kowalinski.dev/projects
My portfolio includes e.g. a bunch of Flutter mobile apps and my first open-source package (for Django), which I released when I was 16 yo. It now has 65 stars on GitHub and according to PyPi statistics around 1.2k downloads per month.

Athlete and former scout

Teamwork is in my blood: I was a Scout from the age of 6, dedicating 11 years to this interesting journey. Now, I’ve been training rowing (water sport) for 7 years and synchronizing body movements with other rowers in a boat for tens of hours per week.

Software development collabs

I’ve been doing software development projects with other people since I was around 14 yo, but the most constructive experience in collaborating on software projects I gained in KN Solvro, where I code review my other 3 teammates, and synchronize our tasks, pull requests, and merges. And code some features too :)

Freelance, native mobile technologies

During my freelance experience, I’ve learned to talk with clients about their requirements. What’s more interesting, many of my projects included coding native mobile (Android & iOS) features, using e.g. native turn-by-turn SDKs, and incorporating them into Flutter apps. I’ve tried out literally almost every map/navigation SDK that is out there: Mapbox, Here Maps, Google Maps, etc. Due to this experience, I consider myself to have pretty deep knowledge of the Flutter framework, which includes e.g. multiple-flutters or add-to-app scenarios. I also have experience with many different state management solutions, REST and GraphQL APIs, and Firebase integrations.

Before my Flutter journey, I was doing a lot of projects in Django, and to this day I consider myself to have a very good knowledge of this backend framework. I still sometimes do some REST APIs in Django Rest Framework (e.g. for the mobile recruitment task of my authorship).

Tech stack

Flutter & Django are my favorite frameworks, but I’ve always found exploring and learning new cool technologies a fascinating experience and something I’m pretty good at. Along the way, I’ve touched many technologies and languages, at least to some extent i.a.:

  • Flutter, Dart -advanced
  • Django - good
  • Python - very good
  • Android - ok
  • iOS - ok
  • Java - good
  • Kotlin - ok
  • Swift - ok
  • Javascript - ok
  • HTML&CSS - ok
  • C++ - average
  • Assembler MIPS - average
  • And many more, including some funny ones like OCaml. Also, always happy to learn smth new.


Apart from software developments, I train (semi-professionally) rowing at AZS Wratislavia Wrocław sports club and at the student team Ósemka PWr. My recent achievements in this field include i.a.

  • 8th place at the 2024 World Rowing Indoor Championship in Prague
  • 4th place at the 2023 Senior Polish Rowing Championships in men’s four

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